1. The maintenance instruction
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Fuel system
5. Systems of greasing, cooling
6. Release system
7. Coupling
8. Transmissions
    8.1. A mechanical transmission
      8.1.1. A technical characteristics
      8.1.2. Oil replacement in a transmission
      8.1.3. Adjustment of draught of a gear change
      8.1.4. The gear change lever
      8.1.5. Draught of a gear change
      8.1.6. A cable of blocking of inclusion of a reverse gear
      8.1.7. Sealing rings
      8.1.8. The switch of a lantern of a backing
      8.1.9. A speedometer drive
      8.1.10. Removal and transmission installation
      8.1.11. Transmission dismantling
      8.1.12. Differential repair
      8.1.13. Repair of a primary shaft
      8.1.14. Repair of a secondary shaft
      8.1.15. Transmission assemblage
      8.1.16. Definition of a tightness of the conic bearing of a primary shaft
      8.1.17. The strengthened sealing rings
      8.1.18. Distinctive features of a drive 4 х 4
      8.1.19. A distributing box of system of a drive 4 х 4
    8.2. An automatic transmission
9. Power shafts
10. A steering
11. Suspension brackets
12. Brake system
13. A body
14. An electric equipment

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8.1.13. Repair of a primary shaft

Gear wheels and transmission shaft

In black mugs numbers of transfers of separate gear wheels (AR – a reverse gear) are given.

1 – a primary shaft,
2 – a secondary shaft,
3 – an axis of a reverse gear,
4 – a gear wheel of a reverse gear,
5 – bearings,
6 – a fixing ring,
7 – the basic needle bearing

1. On a press to remove from a primary shaft knot the bearing-gear wheel of 4 transfers, the synchronizer and a gear wheel of 3 transfers (to designate position sliding муфты concerning a nave).
2. To replace the bearing and on a press, applying the adaptation 80317 F, a basic plate 8013 Т-В3 and В4 or special stripper Facom U 53 T2 or another similar, to establish the bearing on a shaft.
3. To establish a gear wheel of 3 transfers, a nave and sliding муфту 3–4 transfers (it is necessary to observe the designations executed during dismantling), a gear wheel of 4 transfers, the plug, and then the bearing. It is necessary to use a press.