The index of temperature of a cooling liquid (1)
The average temperature of a cooling liquid during movement makes from 80 ° to 90 ° S.Vo movement time on a city, in street stoppers the temperature of a cooling liquid often exceeds 90 ° With that causes inclusion of the fan of cooling. If the temperature exceeds 110 ° With, the special control bulb joins.
Control bulb of the raised temperature of a cooling liquid (2)
If this bulb is lighted during movement simultaneously with bulb STOP it is necessary to stop immediately and after engine cooling to check up level of a cooling liquid. In case of repeated fire of a control bulb it is necessary to check up the pump of a cooling liquid, the cooling fan, and also tightness of system of cooling.
Control bulb of self-diagnostics (3)
The blinking of a control bulb testifies to presence of malfunction with system of injection of fuel or ignition system. Thus it is necessary to address immediately on servicing deport for malfunction elimination.
Control bulb of a reserve of fuel (4)
This bulb lights up, if in a fuel tank remains fuel less, than 6 дм3.
The index of level of fuel (5)
The index scale is broken into 4 parts of volume of a fuel tank. Its volume makes 70 дм3.
The index of level of engine oil (6)
The engine should not work within several minutes, the car should be on a flat surface, and ignition should be included. Oil level is normal if the arrow is in the middle on the right line. If the arrow costs on the left line it is necessary to add oil in system.
In an operating time of the engine of the marksman is at rest.
Bulb STOP (7)
This bulb lights up simultaneously with control bulbs:
– Pressure of oil of the engine;
– The raised temperature of a cooling liquid;
– Systems preventing blocking of wheels (ABS) and level of a brake liquid.
Fire of this bulb signals about necessity of an immediate stop of the car.
Control bulb of pressure of oil (8)
The control bulb of pressure of the oil, being on an instrument guard, starts to be shone at inclusion of ignition and should go out after the engine will be started. If this bulb is lighted during movement simultaneously with bulb STOP it is necessary to stop and check up oil level immediately. If level normal, and a bulb is all the same shone, it is necessary to address in repair shop.
Control bulb of a manual brake and very low level of a brake liquid (9)
Fire of this bulb testifies about:
– The tightened manual brake;
– Too low level of a brake liquid in a tank. In that case it is necessary to check up level of a brake liquid, to add it and to address on a car repair shop for an establishment of the reason of reduction of a brake liquid.
Control bulb of presence of water in the fuel filter (10)
If this bulb it is necessary to remove water from the fuel filter as soon as possible lights up.
Control bulb of gymnastics of the accumulator (11)
This bulb starts to be shone at inclusion of ignition and should go out after the engine will be started. The luminescence of a control bulb of gymnastics of the accumulator during movement testifies to malfunction of system of gymnastics. It is necessary to switch off immediately the engine and to check up a tension driving a generator belt, and also fastening of clips of the accumulator. If all is normal, but the bulb continues to burn, address for the help on the nearest car repair shop.
Control bulb of deterioration brake pads forward brakes (12)
If this bulb it is necessary to replace as soon as possible brake pads is lighted.
Control bulb of level of a cooling liquid (13)
If this bulb it is necessary to add a cooling liquid is lighted. If necessity доливания a cooling liquid arises often it is necessary to check up tightness of system of cooling.
Control bulb of system preventing blocking of wheels ABS (14)
Functioning of this system is supervised by three control bulbs:
– STOP (7);
– Level of a brake liquid (9);
– Systems ABS (14).
Three cases are possible:
And. All three bulbs light up simultaneously, testifying that system ABS does not function (is absent the help at braking, the brake pedal has the big course and its pressing demands the appendix of the raised effort). In that case it is necessary to address immediately for the help on the nearest car repair shop (it is necessary to go very slowly).
b. If the bulb 10 is not shone or blinks in a minute after engine start it shows malfunction in system ABS. It is necessary to eliminate immediately causes of defect on a car repair shop.
With. The bulb 10 does not die away or lights up. It is necessary to switch off and include ignition once again. If this bulb continues to burn, it is necessary to arrive, as in a case b.