1. The maintenance instruction
2. Maintenance service
   2.1. A technical characteristics
    2.2. Periodicity of service
    2.3. Each 7 500 km
      2.3.1. Dehydration of the fuel filter (diesel engines)
    2.4. Each 10 000 km or 6 months
    2.5. Each 20 000 km or 12 months
    2.6. Each 30 000 km or 18 months
    2.7. Each 40 000 km or 2 years
    2.8. Each 60 000 km or 3 years
3. Engines
4. Fuel system
5. Systems of greasing, cooling
6. Release system
7. Coupling
8. Transmissions
9. Power shafts
10. A steering
11. Suspension brackets
12. Brake system
13. A body
14. An electric equipment

2.3. Each 7 500 km

2.3.1. Dehydration of the fuel filter (diesel engines)

Fuel filters

At the left – Roto Diesel,

On the right – Bosch,

2 – the manual pump,

3 – деаэратор,

4 – the screw water plum

1. Each 7500 km or in case of fire of a control bulb of presence of water it is necessary to merge the water which is in the fuel filter.
2. Under the fuel pump it is necessary to arrange any vessel or a material piece.
Filter Roto Diesel
3. To release the screw plum of water (4).
4. For removal of water and pollution it is necessary to press the button (2) manual pumps.
5. To twirl the screw water plum.
6. To press the button of the manual pump before resistance occurrence.
Filter Bosch
7. To open деаэратор (3) filters.
8. To turn off the screw plum of water (4).
9. To merge water and pollution.
10. To twirl the screw plum of water (4).
11. To press the button (2) manual pumps while fuel will not start to follow from деаэратора without air vials.
12. To twirl деаэратор (3).
13. Further to press the button before resistance occurrence.